Accident Prevention

Accident Prevention

Accident prevention is something every organization should strive for.  Best practices and proper documentation provides an organization a way of protecting themselves against any further damage.  But what about “near miss” events, and what exactly is a near miss event?  OSHA and the National Safety Council defines a near miss event as an “unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage – but had the potential to do so”.  An organization may have a feel for how many and what type of near miss events happen over time. However, without accurate data there is no hard evidence to support any real insight on the topic.  What about analyzing your current accident prevention data to help guide future practices?  Can your near miss be attributed to any of the following?

  1. Near miss data is not tracked.
  2. You track near miss data, but are unable to compare it to see possible trends.
  3. You track near miss data, but do not review it in-depth because you’re unaware of the preventative value it offers.

This is where a software tool like Incident Tracker can help with accident prevention.

The best practices for any organization or business are to ensure that proper safety measures are in place, and to protect the organization against unwanted damages caused by accidents.  You can’t predict when an issue will occur, however, accident prevention should always be practiced.  Incident Tracker has built-in tools to help.  The activity hotspots, trending analytics, and the ability to retrieve all data that is entered can provide great insight for an organization. Proper reporting practices, along with these tools, can help shape a policy where you can be proactive and prevent potential future issues by retrieving and analyzing the data.

Below are examples of analytics that were exported and organized into spreadsheets.


Hotspots of Accident Prevention