- (code) upgraded versions of ajax and cute editor to most recent.
- (code) improved code for email delivery service.
- (UI) new web 2.0 design based on 1024 px wide display.
- (UI) industry news feeds added.
- (UI) added ability to store and track an “ID” for persons or witnesses included in a report (optional feature).
- (UI) improved/redesigned usability of document center (added new sorting options).
- (UI) improved progress indicator during ajax partial postback.
- (UI) improved readability of logs.
- (UI) added an optional status field for reports. “Statues” can be manually built and color coded.
- (UI) Last person to change “status” of a report is displayed.
- (UI) improved readability of the reports grid. Now all reports can be viewed and expanded from the main view pane.
- (UI) redid the user rights, new rights are: admin, submit reports, view all reports, edit reports, delete reports, view documents, manage documents. (this permits the ability to create a “read-only” user now.
- (UI) multiple files can now be attached to reports.
- (UI) replaced message of the day with threaded announcements that can accept user comments and have files attached from the document center.
- (UI) added private messaging for users. Private messages can attach files from the document center.
- (UI) added ability to add twitter feeds to site.
- (bug fix) added browser specific fixes for alignments and page postback positioning.
- (bug fix) fixed bug where occasionally only first person in recipient list received an emailed report.
- (bug fix) fixed bug where some log files were incorrectly built.
- (bug fix) fixed bug where display on login page was incorrect when no reports were entered.
- (bug fix) fixed bug where in certain cases an edited report would display a change to the date even though none was made (cosmetic only).