Minor Release and Rollup: March 9, 2015 – v10.3

  • This includes minor patches from update 10.2
  • (UI) Report Reminders added: now users can set reminders to review a report
  • (UI) Workflows added: Rules can be built to allow for automated Report actions to execute.
  • (UI) Report time lines now show current stale date for the Report.
  • (UI) Forms that contain objects with multi-values (like a drop-down-list) can be sorted alphabetically or by the order entered.
  • (UI) Upgraded various icons for better readability in the advanced search panel.
  • (UI) Redesigned sms messaging alert titles for better consistency.
  • (UI) adjusted z-index value of main menu so it never becomes obscured.
  • (UI) report timelines now show the event day markers time gap from todays date as well.
  • (code) Optimized code to check for duplicate report submission.
  • (code) The ‘Write up’ section of a Report is now optional when a form is filled out.
  • (code) When an Alert is triggered, now when possible a Private Message is also created to the recipient.
  • (code) Added the ability to search on report stale day status in the advanced search.
  • (bug fix) fixed bug where when toggling to full screen in the editor did not work.
  • (bug fix) fixed IE bug with postbacks not saving editor contents
  • (bug fix) fixed bug where a crash might occur when exporting reports to excel.
  • (bug fix) fixed a bug where Recent Reports might show duplicate Reports under some circumstances
  • (bug fix) When a user is deleted and assigned Reports, those reports now default back to unassigned
  • (bug fix) Report Timeline now correctly updates during a status, assignment or reminder change.
  • (bug fix) Fixed issue where some event logs were not being created
  • (bug fix) Fixed issue where category stats would not show correct results when an advanced search included searching appended info (such as when the search included the body of the report)